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University as an Anchor Institution in Community Wealth Building

Millersville University (PA), keynote address for conference on inequality, November 2014 (65 minutes, including Q&A, from about 5:00 to end)

Inequality. Defining Our Time? Featured Speaker 2014 International Policy Conference November 5-7 2014 Mr. Dubbs spoke about Universities as Anchor Institutions and strategies for building the wealth of a community. In 2007, Steve wrote a report on the role of universities in community economic development (Linking Colleges to Communities: Engaging the University for Community Development). Steve has written extensively on the role of anchor institutions (often known as “eds and meds”) in community wealth building. This includes being a co-author of The Road Half Traveled: University Engagement at a Crossroads (2012) and, in 2013, leading the research team that produced The Anchor Dashboard, which aims to provide a framework for hospitals and universities to assess and improve their impact in low and moderate-income.

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